WHF Podcast 30 – MURPH

WHF Podcast 30 – MURPH

What is the Murph workout?

The Murph WOD is a hero workout named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy,” explains Blake Shutterly, a CrossFit coach at Neo Fifth in NYC. … The CrossFit Murph workout itself consists of a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another one-mile run, all done consecutively.

Known as a Hero WOD (WOD = workout of the day), Murph was first posted on August 18, 2005, and is completed every year on Memorial Day by CrossFitters and Navy SEALs alike.

Complete the following movements for time:
1-mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1-mile run
… in a 20-lb. weight vest or body armor

According to CrossFit, this workout was one of Murphy’s favorites. He’d named it “Body Armor,” though it was renamed as Murph in his honor.


Do you have to do Murph in order?
First, there’s two methods of finishing Murph. While you have to start and finish with a 1 mile run, the 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats can either be done in order, or partitioned. … The other variation about Murph is that it’s performed either with a weight vest, or without.

What is the fastest Murph time?

36:42 – What the what?

The fastest female time registered for Murph is 36:42 by Kari Pearce. The fastest male time registered for Murph is 34:38 by Josh Bridges.

Did Michael Murphy do Murph?
Murph is a popular workout created by CrossFit in memory of Navy Lt. Michael Murphy who died in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. Known as a Hero WOD (WOD = workout of the day), Murph was first posted on August 18, 2005, and is completed every year on Memorial Day by CrossFitters and Navy SEALs alike.

WHF Podcast 29 – FEAR

WHF Podcast 29 – FEAR


Or F.E.A.R. or False Expectations Appearing Real…

How do you manage your own fear?
How do you utilize fear?
How do you conquer fear?

These are questions we ask ourselves… What do you do?

How do I define fear? It’s when I’m visualizing a future event that hasn’t even happened and it’s impacting how I think and feel in the present.

Tony Blauer

WHF Podcast 28 – Intermittent fasting

WHF Podcast 28 – Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting?

(IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesn’t specify which foods you should eat but rather when you should eat them. In this respect, it’s not a diet in the conventional sense but more accurately described as an eating pattern

Don’t believe us, here are some other resources:

Intermittent fasting is not a diet. It is a timed approach to eating. Unlike a dietary plan that restricts where calories come from, intermittent fasting does not specify what foods a person should eat or avoid. Intermittent fasting may have some health benefits, including weight loss, but is not suitable for everyone. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324882

16:8 intermittent fasting, which people sometimes call the 16:8 diet or 16:8 plan, is a popular type of fasting. People who follow this eating plan will fast for 16 hours a day and consume all of their calories during the remaining 8 hours. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327398

There are two main ways to adopt intermittent fasting into your life, Mattson said:

  • Daily time-restricted feeding gives you a narrow window during which you can eat, usually 6 to 8 hours each day.
  • 5:2 intermittent fasting requires that people only eat one moderate-sized meal on two days each week.

When people are fasting, they are slowly burning through the glucose stored in their liver, Mattson explained. The liver holds about 700 calories of glucose. https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20191226/intermittent-fasting-diet-could-boost-your-health#1