WHF Podcast 26 – What Coaches think Accountability is

WHF Podcast 26 – What Coaches think Accountability is

Accountability vs. Motivation

It’s probably cliche but it’s a truth that has existed since the beginning of sports. It exists now even more in the world of person fitness. It’s the cold hard fact that a coach can not coach your motivation. We can inspire, harass, convince and even in come cases drag you to the gym but it won’t last and at some point we all must find the accountability and self-discipline within our own hearts to become a better version of ourselves.

Enjoy the show. 🙂

Gym Swag: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

Fueling Well

Check when you’re eating, how much your eating. How much snacking/grazing are you doing?

Walking is great! Getting outside and walking the dog or with the kids is awesome but you need to be hitting your 3+ days a week for your HIIT training.

Hi Intensity Training “HIIT” is great for your cardio vascular or respiratory health, especially when fighting off or getting you through COVID-19…

Respiratory Rate and COVID-19

WHOOP is investigating a potential connection between changes in respiratory rate and COVID-19 symptoms. We believe that a noticeable increase in respiratory rate is a measurable precursor of coronavirus symptoms based on individual cases that we have seen in our data. We are studying this possible link with our research partners in an effort to better understand this current health crisis.

Read about the WHOOP stuff here.


BCAA, Glutamine, Krill Oil, Bubs Naturals Collagen

Tiger King… WTF?!

WTF Tiger King Moments…

Gym Swag: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

WHF Podcast 23 – Taste Testing Breakfast Cereals

Magic Spoon

Heather is always looking for better alternatives to everyday foods for us. She found Magic Spoon. (https://magicspoon.com) and we set out to compare their different types with the ones we all grew up with as kids, you know the very awesome sugary goodness ones!

We use a natural blend of monk fruit, stevia, and allulose. Allulose is a “rare” sugar found in things like figs and maple syrup. It tastes just like “regular” sugar, but has zero glycemic impact and almost zero calories (less than 0.4 cal/g).

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

Rob Harr – Ownership and Leadership

WHF Podcast 22 – EGO

“EGO” It can actually help you

Ego get’s a bad wrap. Now we’re not talking about all out big time athlete ego. We’re talking about having just enough fuel for your fire to go out and conquer your goals. See you need just a little ego to say that you’re good enough to go after something.

“ARROGANCE” Don’t let it go unchecked

Arrogance is ego unchecked. Don’t let that ego grow to large… where you lose the ability to learn and listen to others.

Keep that GROWTH mindset vs. that FIXED mindset!

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 20 – “Toxic” People

What kinds of people are we talking about?

To be clear we’re not talking about real, abusive situations. We’re talking more about the quiet, soul sucking, goal crushing kinds of people we all have in our life. We go on diets to cut out bad food and pick up good habits like exercising regularly, but how often do we cut out those that drain us of our focus and feelings…?

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 21 – Competition and Training Myths For Older People

WHF Podcast 21 – Competition and Training Myths For Older People

“Competition” can help you level up

We have found “competition” can really help you to “level up”. Not the bad, win or die, type of competition, but the overall type that gives you a big goal to attain. Performing or working in public can make you focus in a way that can really help you grow.

Training as we get older

Basics; there is no magic training plan or diet template you should follow. The same things that worked for you in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s will still work, you just need to be a bit smarter in your approach and recovery.

In short, recovery with the same focus as your work. 🙂

View this post on Instagram

There are no training plans for over the 40s / 50s / 60s. ⠀ You might see things advertised as such, but this is just marketing BS. ⠀ You aren’t going to age into a group where we can all of a sudden day that you, along with everyone else your age, needs to do X, Y, and Z. ⠀ All the training principles that applied to your 20-year-old-self will apply to your 40-year-old self. ⠀ ??If you’re still making progress and feeling good, you can keep your training volume as frequency as they are, or they can even go higher. ⠀ ??If you’re feeling worn down and that you can’t recover (and you are taking care of business outside the gym — sleep and stress), then pull back a little. But bear in mind this is because you as an individual aren’t recovering, not because you as a 43-year-old aren’t recovering. ⠀⠀ ??If you have past injuries or mobility limitations, make sure you’re not dogmatic about exercise selection. Choose exercises that target the muscles you’re aiming for, where you can work through a full range of motion (ROM) without pain. If you need to shorten the ROM or adjust the angle, feel free to do it. ⠀⠀ Two personal examples here: ⠀⠀ » I can’t press overhead without my right shoulder getting cranky. The solution for me is to press at a slight angle — half-kneeling landmine presses work a treat. ⠀⠀ » I also don’t have enough shoulder mobility to get my arms back fully enough to back-squat without pain. The solution is to front squat or do safety bar squats. ⠀⠀ Don’t make the mistake of looking at an athlete who is in their 40s, assume they have found some ‘special source,’ and copy them. They are an outlier; you are not. ⠀⠀ ✅Many powerlifters are still getting stronger as they age; many natural bodybuilders are also. ⠀ ✅Consider yourself as an individual, not your age. ✅Don’t get sold anything special. ✅Assume you’ll do great, push hard, but listen to your body and it will tell you if and when it’s necessary to pull back. ⠀ Click the link in my bio to take my free nutrition setup course » @andy_rippedbody ⁠⠀ #rippedbody #rippedbodycoaching #rippedbodynutrition #evidencebasednutrition #muscleandstrengthpyramids #powerlifting #bodybuilding

A post shared by Andy Morgan | RippedBody.com (@andy_rippedbody) on

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 18 – Failure and People Think Different

If audio only is more your thing, here you go:

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=22770332″ width=”100%” height=”150px” theme=”dark” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”true” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true” color=”eb144c”]


We all fail. A lot. The thing is, what do you do after you fail? Do you give up or do you keep at it until you finally get it. That’s WINNING my friends.

We either WIN or we Learn.

People Think Different

We reference this article on Wired: Today I Learned That Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue And It Has Ruined My Day.

My day was completely ruined yesterday when I stumbled upon a fun fact that absolutely obliterated my mind. I saw this tweet yesterday that said that not everyone has an internal monologue in their head. All my life, I could hear my voice in my head and speak in full sentences as if I was talking out loud. I thought everyone experienced this, so I did not believe that it could be true at that time.

Do you have an inner Monologue or something else?

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

WHF Podcast 17 – WAY OF THE SEAL

If audio only is more your thing, here you go:

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=22406415″ width=”100%” height=”150px” theme=”dark” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”true” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true” color=”eb144c”]

Do today what other’s won’t, do tomorrow what other’s cant.

Way of the SEAL

This recording is part of a larger project/series Coach Gene and Heather are working on for another audio podcast (the Warrior Mindset). They are going through each chapter of the book The Way of the Seal by Mark Divine, creator of SealFIT.

They both believe in SealFIT whole heartedly for training and teaching mental toughness. Having both trained with SealFIT methodology for 2-3 years it has been instrumental in helping to hone their focus and overall lifestyle centered around fitness and being healthy human beings…

The chapter’s focus is primarily on learning to get through tough things in life, whether it’s a difficult workout or life challenge; like running a business or getting an advanced degree, you can and will learn something from pushing yourself physically and mentally in the gym.

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

WHF Podcast 16 – Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

If audio only is more your thing, here you go:

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Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Talking through the why behind a year of Hero WODS. Simply put we do these things because we are constantly looking for ways to change our set-point. If we can learn to deal with being uncomfortable and push through in the gym or wherever we’re doing the hard stuff, we can translate and succeed in everyday life outside the gym.

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

WHF Podcast 15 – Coach Heather

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Coach Heather

This week we interview Coach Heather. Long time O.G. of Workhorse she’s been with the outfit since the get-go.

Heather is co-owner, coach, bodybuilder fellow SealFitter, and now candidate for Congress. Get some Heather!


Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

WHF Podcast 14 – Intent Vs. Action

If audio only is more your thing, here you go:

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=21781688″ width=”100%” height=”150px” theme=”dark” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”true” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true” color=”eb144c”]

Intent Vs. Action

Why do your New Year’s Resolutions fail so often? We think it’s because there’s no intent behind the idea. Maybe you keep things to yourself. Maybe you haven’t built a plan around what you want to achieve. Maybe the goal is just to big…

We think you need to put some intent behind your actions. Build a reason behind it beyond the standard; “I need to get better”. Make it public, tell someone else, get an accountability partner, put some skin in the game and you’ll see yourself making progress and even reach your goal(s).

We talked in-depth about Coach Ib’s upcoming year of Hero WODs. How he’s using that to change his level and make himself better. I read this post as well:

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 24 – Good Fuel and the importance of HIIT

WHF Podcast 13 – Deep dive into Humility

If audio only is more your thing, here you go:

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=21191490″ width=”100%” height=”150px” theme=”dark” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”true” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true” color=”eb144c”]


What is humility? It starts with vulnerability, but let’s frame it in a better light. I think it’s better expressed as “honesty,” and “self- awareness.” ⁣

A good friend laid this out online fo rus recently:

Admit you are imperfect and fallible. Be honest, especially with yourself, about who you are, who you aren’t, and where you are at. Your puffed up chest generally looks like exactly that. Be teachable and willing to learn. ⁣

Everyone has to fake it to make it sometimes, and trying to be better than you are means believing that you can in fact be and do better. ⁣

“Trust yourself when others doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too…”⁣

In this podcast we take a deeper dive into being a healthy, humble human being… Join us!

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/