In this episode we’ll cover how you should focus and prioritize your efforts in order to complete your mission. We’ll also dig into dealing with those certain people who tend to steal your energy away without much in return.
The Japanese concept of Ichigo Ichie can be super helpful for us to learn to live in the moment and pull the most out of life. It can also help us become better listeners.
Discussing how you cultivate a Growth Mindset and combat mediocrity in your life. Dr. Matt is one of the most positive minded people I’ve met and I always learn new ways of looking at life from him.
A great discussion about Christian’s adventure on the show The Selection as well as his history of extreme events and training. I’ve been a fan of this man for some time now ever since I saw him on the show. I had prepared a bunch of questions to help ease us along and get into the mindset of what it’s like to walk the path of the warrior but in listening to his stories he just exemplifies it by the way he is in life.
This is an older interview I did for another podcast that was never launched. Reluctantly posting it but some of you have said to get it out there… So here you go, yours truly being interviewed for the SOCO Podcast form a few years ago.
How do you prepare to be “present” during an event or performance? Well, it’s not easy, but there are ways to get you ready one big one is to train your mind. Overcome fear and performance anxiety with Gene and Aaron as they go over these topics.
In this episode Gene and Dan Jackson talk about what it means to have empathy for others, how to think about it in your daily life and how it can greatly affect change in your life.
We are joined by Tony Blauer [@TonyBlauer] creator of the SPEAR System [@Spear.System]. With 40+ Years in martial arts, self-defense, defensive tactics, and the combatives industry he likely has more experience in teaching Self Defense than anyone alive. He has a saying that rings true not only in Martial Arts but in LIFE; “People who manage fear, manage to fight”, listen in as we dig into what getting to “know fear” can do for you.
1x Clean 1x Shoulder to Overhead 1x Front Squat 1x Shoulder to Overhead
8x Rounds 155#/105#
*Barbell movements are completed as a ‘complex’ – do not take hands off of the bar until all movements are complete. **Scale to barbell weight you can complete, or use 2x DB’s
In this episode Gene and Heather work their way through the book “Warrior of the Light” by Paulo Coelho and share some of the most impactful pages and comments with you.
Tabata(s)(12:00) 16x Rounds :20s work :10s rest Alternate Between: Hand Release Push-ups & Sit-ups
(WOD 20:00) 5x Rounds :40s Work / :20s Rest Alt DB Snatch DB Overhead Hold Lunges Double Unders / Singles Plank *Use a DB weight you can complete 10x DB Snatch unbroken with
3x 5:00 Rounds (15:00) 10x DB Single Arm (L) Push-press #AHAP 10x DB Single Arm (R) Push-press #AHAP 10x Push-ups 200m Run *Rest remainder of time under 5:00 **Use a DB weight you can complete 10x unbroken with
3x Rounds (Remainder of Class) 20x Box Step-ups with DB #AHAP 200m Single Arm (L) Farmers Carry #AHAP 200m Single Arm (R) Farmers Carry #AHAP
06-26 27
Active Recovery ~1 Hour Active Recovery – Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim
We are joined by Stu Brauer long time Fitness Professional , Gym Owner, Podcaster and Business Consultant in the “micro-gym” space on how he has developed such a strong growth focused mindset over the years as he’s evolved who he is within the industry.
25:00 AMRAP 10x KB Russian Twists 10x Ring Rows or Inverted Row 10x 1/2 Turkish Get up (Turkish sit-ups) / Per-side 10x Hand Release Push-ups 10x KB Around the Head 10x KB Goblet Squats
06-12 13
Active Recovery ~1 Hour Active Recovery – Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim
10-9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9-10 Air Squats Sit-ups Lunges *Hold a :100 plank after each ‘even’ number round.
‘JOHNNY BRAVO’ 100 Push Press (95#/55#) Perform 5x Deadlifts Every Time You Break* *Resting in the front rack for more than 3 seconds qualifies as breaking 😈
Aaron and I go through what it means to go AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) in the military, on your job, on your friends and in your personal life – and the costs associated with doing so.