Active Recovery Day
~1 Hour Active Recovery – Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim
~1 Hour Active Recovery – Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim
Rest day…
~5:00 Cardio
~10:00 Mobility
LVL1 = 5x Rounds, LVL2 = 7x Rounds
20:00 CAP
20x Mountain Climbers (2x=1)
10x Push-ups
2x Raised Leg Push-ups
20x Left+Right Punches (Shadow boxing)
20x Air Squats (with your guard up)
10x Burpees
10x Alt Raised Leg Glute Bridges
10x Sit-ups
Reviewing some of the things that caught my eye over the past week or so on Instagram & the internet.
(more…)How do you find balance through flow state living as well as a discussion on Yan & Yang.
(more…)~5:00 Cardio
~10:00 Mobility
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (For Time)
Push-Press 95#/65#
Burpee Box Jumps / Step-ups
Or Alt
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (For Time)
Push-Press 2xDB #AHAP
Push-up to a Step-up (Box or Plates)
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
3x Rounds for Time:
21x Burpee Over Bar
15x Deadlifts 225#/155#
9x Handstand Push Up
or ALT
3x Rounds for Time:
21x Burpees
15x Deadlifts KB or whatever you can Deadlift
9x Push Up (make as difficult as possible)
4×10 Glute Bridges w/Weight
3×10 Bent Over Rows (2xDBs)
3×10 Floor Press (2xDBs)
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 1xKB #AHAP
Push-Press 2xDB or Barbell Only
Reviewing some of the things that caught my eye over the past week or so on Instagram & the internet.
(more…)~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
For Time:
30x Thrusters Barbell or DB
30x Wall Balls
30x Burpees
3×8 Front Squat w/2xDB
3×8 Shoulder Press w/2xDB
3×8 French Curls w/2xDB
3×8 Curls w/2xDB
*All weight is #AHAP
*Should be able to complete in 20:00
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
“Deck of Cards”
Spades – Air Squats
Clubs – Push-ups
Hearts – Sit-Ups
Diamonds – Burpees
**Pull each card out of a shuffled deck, each # of the card matching the suit is the amount of reps you do. Pull one last card, # of that card is the amount of rounds you do. Get after it…
3-5×10 Slam Ball + Burpee (LVL1=3)
Rest 30sec between sets
2x 1:00 Plank (each arm)
Rest 30sec between sets
3×12 v-ups
Rest as needed between
~5:00 Cardio
~10:00 Mobility
20x Plate Squats
10x Push-ups
20x High Knees – 1x Tuck-Jump every 10x
1:00 Plank
10x Plate Sit-ups
20x Mountain Climbers
10x Plate Russian Twist
*Plate = 25#/10#
**L3 5 rounds, L2 3 rounds
Zanshin, Mushin, Fudoshin: Apply the ways of Karate-do to harness the Warrior’s Mind
(more…)~5:00 Cardio
~10:00 Mobility
5x Rounds – KB/DB WOD
30x KBS
30x Snatch (15x each arm)
30x Push-press (15x each arm)
10x Thrusters (each arm)
10x Burpees
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 @ 75% of your 1-rep max (if you can)
5x Rounds
4 Cone ~50′ Shuttle Sprint
10x Bent Over Row
10x Thruster
*Barbell = 45#/35#
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
5:00 AMRAP
10x 2xDB/KB Front Squat
5x/Side DB/KB 1/2 Get Ups
10x 2xDB/KB Shoulder Press
2:00 Rest
4:00 AMRAP
10x 2xDB/KB Front Rack Lunges
5x/Side DB/KB Snatch
10x DB/KB Goblet Squat
2:00 Rest
3:00 AMRAP
8x Push-ups
10x/Side High Knees
20x/Side Mountain Climbers
3x Rounds
1:00 Plank
1:00 Wall Sit
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
10x Rounds for Time:
4x Hand Release Push-ups
8x Ball Slams (or Lunges)
12x Jumping Air Squats
3x Rounds
10x Weighted Split Squat/Lunge (AHAP# KB/DB/Odd Object)
10x Unweighted Split Squat/Lunge
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
10:00 AMRAP
10x Shoulder Press w/Barbell
10x Goblet Squats KB
10x Push-ups
10x V-ups
10x Shoulder Taps
3×10 V-ups
2×1:00 second Single Leg Plank
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
Jocko Willink MUSTER #002
36:00 EMOM
Min 01: Burpees AMRAP
Min 02: :45 Plank
Min 03: 20x Squats
Min 04: 30x Flutter Kicks
Min 05: 10x Push-ups
Min 06: 20x Jumping Jacks
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
10:00 AMRAP
10x Clean & Jerk w/1xDB or KB
10x Goblet Squats w/1xDB or KB
10x Push-ups
3x Rounds
8x 1xDB Overhead Hold Lunges (R)
8x DB Facing Burpees
8x 1xDB Overhead Hold Lunges (L)
8x V-ups
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
STRENGTH (if you can)
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 @ 75% of your single-rep max
5x Rounds (:20 work / :10 rest)
Air Squat Jump Taps
Flutter Kicks
️Kettlebell/Plate Toe Taps
️KB Plank Pull Through
Reviewing some of the things that caught my eye over the past week or so on Instagram & the internet with special guest and fellow Martial Artist Heather Dughaish.
(more…)~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
7x Rounds
10x Dumbbell Clean & Jerk
10x Burpees Jump-Over DB
3×15 Ring Rows
3×10 Bent over Rows 2xDBs
3×10 Shoulder Press 2xDBs
This week’s review of useful intel from social media and the internet that’s worth talking about with special guest Heather Dughaish.
(more…)Do you suffer for your own growth and improvement? On purpose no less?
(more…)Reviewing some of the things that caught my eye over the past week or so on Instagram & the internet.
(more…)~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
For Time:
30x Thrusters w/Single DB (swap hands)
30x Burpees
1.5 Mile Run/Jog/Walk
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
9:00 AMRAP:
9x Burpees
9x Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
**Scale the box jumps to step up/overs
4×10 Glute Bridges w/Weight
3×10 Bent Over Rows (2xDBs)
3×10 Floor Press (2xDBs)
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
5X8 DB Shoulder Press #AHAP
5X Rounds for Time:
15x KB Deadlift #AHAP
200M Run
~5:00 Cardio
~5:00 Mobility
~1 Hour Active Recovery
*Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim