We are joined by Coach Michael Brazell (Facebook & Instagram). CrossFit Coach, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, intuitive healer Grief Companion, and Death Doula as well as being a long time Martial Artist.
4x Rounds 10x Single Arm DB Thrusters 10x Burpee over DB
STRENGTH FIRST 3×15 Plate Ground to Overhead #AHAP 3×15 2xDB Russian Deadlift (RDL) or use Barbell 45#/35# 3×10 2xDB Shoulder Press 3×10 2xDB Lateral Raises 3×10 1xDB French Curls 3×10 2xDB Shrugs (Go Heavy)
WOD 8x Rounds 5x Front Squat 10x Push-Press 2xDB = Medium Weight *Use same # for both lifts
23:00 AMRAP 23x Air Squats 23x Push-ups 23x KBS 25#/15# 23x Jumping Lunges 23x Sit-ups 23x Box Jumps 24″/20″
Dedicated to Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Heidi Stevenson who died on April 19, 2020, while protecting others during a mass shooting that took place in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. The rep scheme signifies the number of years she served in the force.
5:00 AMRAP each set (3:00 rest between sets) Set 1: 5x step-ups (20″ box or plates), 7x v-ups / Sit-ups Set 2: 5x push-ups, 7x goblet squats Set 3: 5x ring-rows, :30 plank
Active Recovery ~1 Hour Active Recovery – Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim
What is this term “Gaslighting”? How it is utilized and ways we can deal with it as a warrior should. Then we respond to a listener who posted back on the article and subject who had a different POV on it.
‘PUBG’ EMOM for As Long As Possible 1 Double-DB Devil Press 1 Double-DB Clean & Jerk 1 Single-arm-DB Snatch *Add 1 rep to each movement every minute(1-1-1 then 2-2-2 then 3-3-3 etc…) **DB = #AHAP
25:00 AMRAP 6x “Thanos Complex” Power Clean + Push Press + Front Squat 115#/75# **If not RX then use lowest weight you can handle out of 3 movements 1x 200m Single Arm KB Carry (75#/55#) *Change Arms @ ~100m 6x Bar Facing Burpees
04-17 & 04-18
Active Recovery ~1 Hour Active Recovery – Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim
15:00 AMRAP 10x Ground to OH w/Plate 35#/25# 10x Squats w/Plate 35#/25# 10x OH Press w/Plate 35#/25# 10x Burpee Run 200m **Try to do the first 3 “plate” movements unbroken and “back2back2back”
5:00 Rest “Minimum”
3 Sets Each of 1:00 / 1:00 Rest Max Sit-ups Max Push-ups 1:00 Plank
15:00 AMRAP 15x Burpees (alt = 10 push-ups + :30 plank) 15x Push Press 20x Russian Twist w/plate 25#/10# *Choose a weight for the Push Press that will challenge you! *A little heavier than normal so you might want to break the push press but won’t because you are a badass ?
~ Rest 3:00 min ~
4x Rounds 10 x 1 arm dumbbell high pull with 2 sec negative (right arm) 10x 1 arm dumbbell high pull with 2 sec negative (left arm) :30 sec hold dumbbell overhead alt sides 1:00 Rest *Choose a weight for the DB that will challenge you!
4x Rounds 6x Push-ups + DB/KB Deadlift 6x Lunges or 12x Air Squats *Choose weight for the DB/KB that will challenge you!
~ Rest 5:00 min ~
4x rounds 200m Run 20x Ground to Overhead w/Plate 20x Lunges or Air Squats
20:00 AMRAP 5x Burpee Broad Jumps 10x Barbell Push-press 45/35 15x Push-Ups 20x Air Squats 25m Bear Crawl 200m Run
‘Helen’ 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-ups (use band, or ring rows/inverted row)
5:00 AMRAP each set (3:00 rest between sets) Set 1: 5x box jumps (24″/20″), 7x toes to bars Set 2: 5x push-ups, 7x goblet squats (55#/35#) Set 3: 5x pull-ups, 7x burpees
*Scale movements as needed: box jumps to step ups, pull-ups to ring rows.
Atalanta 4x Rounds (~30:00 to complete) 400m Run 20x Hand Release Push-Up 20x Sit-Ups 2:00 Rest
*Greek huntress and an exceptional athlete. She was also a favorite of the goddess Artemis because of her survival instinct, impressive skills, courage and noble character. Atalanta was known for her equality to men when it came to hunting or athletic accomplishments.
8 Sets of Each Tabata (:20 work :10 rest) Tabata 1: Ground to Overhead w/Plate 2:00 Rest Tabata 2: Alt Legs V-up 2:00 Rest Tabata 3: OH Plate Lunges 2:00 Rest Tabata 4: Box Step-ups 20″ 2:00 Rest Tabata 5: Jump Rope Singles
STRENGTH Thrusters 3-5-7-5-3
12:00 EMOM 2x DB’s #AHAP 4x Front Squat 6x Bent Over Rows 4x Push-ups
For Time 1 Mile Run 30x Clean & Jerks 15x Box Jumps OR 20x Box Step-ups [30:00 Cap]
Discussing Resiliency and talking through the questions from our Warrior Mindset online chat about the same topic with special guest and fellow Martial Artist Heather Bauer.
20:00 AMRAP 20x Plate Squats (hold out in front) 10x Push-ups (hands on plate) 10x Squat Jumps (hands on plate when in down position) 10x Plate Sit-ups 10x Plate Russian Twist 20x Mountain Climbers (hands on plate) *Plate = 25#/10# **If you don’t have a plate, just do the same movements without one 🙂
FINISHER 3x 1:00 Wall Sit Rest :30 between sets 3x 1:00 Plank Rest :30 between sets 3×12 v-ups Rest as needed between
20-16-12-8-4 DB Snatch #AHAP Burpee Over the DB (scale: Burpee or Push-ups)