by Gene Crawford | Feb 19, 2021 | WOD
‘Black Widow’
15:00 AMRAP
10x Shadow Box: Front Kick + Punches (left+right+hook+uppercut)
10x Push-ups
10x 180 Squat Jumps
10x Burpees (W/O Push-up)
10x Mountain Climbers
10x Leg Throughs (All fours to single leg through)
4x 10x DB Push Press
4x 10x RKBS #AHAP
3x 10x V-ups (or Sit-ups)
by Gene Crawford | Feb 17, 2021 | WOD
3x Rounds
400m Run or 1:30 of Jump Rope
Air Squats
by Gene Crawford | Feb 16, 2021 | WOD
5x Rounds
25x Sit-ups
20x Push-ups
10x Leg Raises
10x 4ct Supermans
10x 4ct Arm-haulers
1 Mile Run/Jog
by Gene Crawford | Feb 15, 2021 | WOD
For Time
Rnd 1:
10x Burpees
Rnd 2:
20x Push-ups
10x Burpees
Rnd 3:
30x V-ups
20x Push-ups
10x Burpees
Rnd 4:
40x Lunges
30x V-ups
20x Push-ups
10x Burpees
Rnd 5:
50x Air Squats
40x Lunges
30x V-ups
20x Push-ups
10x Burpees
Single Arm Bent Over Rows (left arm)
Single Arm Bent Over Rows (right arm)
Overhead Tricep Extensions (both arms)
by Gene Crawford | Feb 14, 2021 | WOD
Active Recovery Day
~1 Hour Active Recovery – Hike, Jog, Row, Bike, Swim
by Gene Crawford | Feb 13, 2021 | WOD
Rest day…