Aaron and go over these three things that make up what willpower means to the stoics.
(more…)Aaron and go over these three things that make up what willpower means to the stoics.
(more…)Aaron and I talk through this wonderful post from Gregory Admunson (the OG Fire-breather) that are labeled as “A road less traveled.” These are the things that easy in concept but very difficult to liv
(more…)What you allow in your presence is the standard. What behaviors from others or from yourself do you tolerate?
(more…)A short biography and review of the founder of Kyokushin Karate, a sect of karate known for their emphasis on physical conditioning and full-contact sparring.
(more…)What does it mean to “detach” Round 2 – Learn to detach from a situation or person and how it can help you make better decisions in business and in life.
(more…)In this episode I talk with Coach Matt Walmsley about his approach to coaching and his personal growth as it relates to his own fitness and coaching.