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Hopefully you came out to the Squatoberfest-ivities and hung out with us. So many PR’s in October. Also, huge CONGRATS to everyone who hit their 15 or 20 day goals. You inspire us!

Quick updates:

Get some beer, bring in a Growler or whatever and take some home with you while the keg is still tapped. It’s our gift to you!

TRIIB is coming out with a mobile app update soon, be on the lookout for it. It’s going to make things waaay easier. We’re also getting ‘Appointments’ which we’ll be utilizing right away so you’ll soon be able to just schedule any personal sessions on your own whenever you need to do it.

MDI Apparell Samples
<em>MDI Apparell Samples<em>

With the close of October/Squatober you’ll see some quite different workouts for this month. We’re going with NO-Score-November all month. We’re going to focus on conditioning, which like the beer at the party should pair quite well with all the strength gains we’re seeing from last month.

Also, we’re partnering with a new company to bring you some Workhorse Gear. So be on the look out for that soon as well.

That’s all for this installment of the Podcast update. 🙂

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