by Gene Crawford | Jan 27, 2023 | Podcast
Everyone loves a great story and Kelvin is no exception. While working as a public school art teacher he was “discovered” as a menswear model. The thing is though he had been grinding nightly building his blog and online presence as a body positivity menswear influencer – he was just ready to go when he got the call up to the big leagues.
by Gene Crawford | Dec 26, 2022 | Podcast
In this episode, Aaron and Gene talk about the benefits of delegation and having a strong team, as well as the concept of “flow state” and how it can improve productivity and well-being. They also discuss the importance of setting goals and using visualization to achieve them, and the role of self-care in maintaining a healthy mindset. They also emphasize the value of learning from failures and using them as opportunities for growth.
by Gene Crawford | Dec 16, 2022 | Podcast
The Book of Five Rings is a treatise on swordsmanship and martial arts written by Miyamoto Musashi. IMHO the top five concepts introduced in the book include: No Mind, The Void, Three Modes of Attack, The Way of the Sword, The Five Rings
by Gene Crawford | Dec 8, 2022 | Podcast
Review of the top books in the WM library for 2022. What are some of yours that you would add to the list?
by Gene Crawford | Nov 18, 2022 | Podcast
Talking through what it takes to get from beginner to Blackbelt with my son Thomas. It’ surreal to have shared the journey with him both through his own accomplishments and my own. What a great conversation we had here.
by Gene Crawford | Nov 11, 2022 | Podcast
Have you ever heard about Musashi’s last duel before he wrote the Book of 5 Rings? Then the second half talking about showing appreciation for those that support you and help you grow.