WHF Podcast 23 – Taste Testing Breakfast Cereals

WHF Podcast 23 – Taste Testing Breakfast Cereals

Magic Spoon

Heather is always looking for better alternatives to everyday foods for us. She found Magic Spoon. (https://magicspoon.com) and we set out to compare their different types with the ones we all grew up with as kids, you know the very awesome sugary goodness ones!

We use a natural blend of monk fruit, stevia, and allulose. Allulose is a “rare” sugar found in things like figs and maple syrup. It tastes just like “regular” sugar, but has zero glycemic impact and almost zero calories (less than 0.4 cal/g).

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

Rob Harr – Ownership and Leadership

WHF Podcast 22 – EGO

“EGO” It can actually help you

Ego get’s a bad wrap. Now we’re not talking about all out big time athlete ego. We’re talking about having just enough fuel for your fire to go out and conquer your goals. See you need just a little ego to say that you’re good enough to go after something.

“ARROGANCE” Don’t let it go unchecked

Arrogance is ego unchecked. Don’t let that ego grow to large… where you lose the ability to learn and listen to others.

Keep that GROWTH mindset vs. that FIXED mindset!

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/

WHF Podcast 20 – “Toxic” People

What kinds of people are we talking about?

To be clear we’re not talking about real, abusive situations. We’re talking more about the quiet, soul sucking, goal crushing kinds of people we all have in our life. We go on diets to cut out bad food and pick up good habits like exercising regularly, but how often do we cut out those that drain us of our focus and feelings…?

Gym Updates:

We have a new gym swag store: http://shopworkhorse.mdiapparel.com/