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Evan Owen
We have discussed Evan Owen in an earlier episode of the WHF Podcast, but wanted to get him for a short sit-down with us to go through some finer details of what it is that drives him to be in the gym every day.
Including quick trip to Bubba’s Biscuits, who by the way are our favorite cheat day cheats of all time here in Columbia… Hands down…
Evan has had huge success with rebuilding who he is physically. We suspect the mental aspect of what helps keep him pushing onward has always been there. Perhaps Workhorse has only helped expose a little more and quicker maybe otherwise he would have on his own.
We talk through friendly competitive comparisons and how to find ways to help you see where you can level up your growth. Evan is a very insightful and thoughtful person who has a good story to share with us all about his fitness journey thus far.
We are super proud of you Evan. Keep up the great work and ‘NEVER GIVE UP’ !