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Coach Rebecca “Becky” Johnson

Coach Becky’s journey began as an original Workhorse member. Actually before that at Iron Tribe when Coach Ib was just starting out in South Carolina. So she’s what we call “OW”… 🙂
Always with a good spirit and a love for helping others Coach Becky has become a great addition to the team here at Workhorse in terms of Coaching staff.
Listen to her story as she goes into the detail of working through her back surgery to be better than before. Taking it slow and progressing one day at a time with a super consistent work ethic. Coach Becky is one to model your own fitness journey after for sure.
Gym Notes
Monday is the start of Deadcember, so get signed up for that 10 or 15 day challenge. Also we’re going to be launching a nutrition challenge in January along with a new member drive/challenge.