The *Warrior Mindset Podcast* is hosted by Gene Crawford. He is an entrepreneur, martial artist, and mindset coach with a strong focus on personal development and mental toughness. Gene Crawford draws from his diverse experiences in business, martial arts, and coaching to provide practical advice and insights on how to develop a resilient and disciplined mindset. Through the podcast, he shares strategies for overcoming obstacles, achieving personal goals, and maintaining a warrior-like mentality in everyday life.

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Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

What is Imposter Syndrome and how can you effectively deal with it. We all have it at some level, so here are a few insights into how some deal with it.

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It’s all in the Attitude — ego is the Enemy.

It’s all in the Attitude — ego is the Enemy.

[spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=14287428" width="100%" theme="dark" playlist="false" playlist-continuous="false" autoplay="false" live-autoplay="false" chapters-image="true" episode-image-position="right" hide-logo="true" hide-likes="false" hide-comments="false" hide-sharing="false" hide-download="true" ] It is easy to compare yourself to others. To look at other people’s lives, careers, knowledge, skills and/or fitness and feel a little; Jealous. Resentful. Defeated even… This is...

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What LIMITS you?

What LIMITS you?

[spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=9448002" theme="dark" autoplay="false" playlist="false" width="100%" height="200px"] I was at my second Spartan Sprint at Ft. Bragg in 2016. Just as the year prior, and at most Spartan races, the teams from Operation Enduring Warrior were there. I always see them and they inspire me at every event. It amazes me to see them struggling and fighting through one of these tough races and all the people helping them along the way setting an...

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