WHF Podcast 17 – WAY OF THE SEAL

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Do today what other’s won’t, do tomorrow what other’s cant.

Way of the SEAL

This recording is part of a larger project/series Coach Gene and Heather are working on for another audio podcast (the Warrior Mindset). They are going through each chapter of the book The Way of the Seal by Mark Divine, creator of SealFIT.

They both believe in SealFIT whole heartedly for training and teaching mental toughness. Having both trained with SealFIT methodology for 2-3 years it has been instrumental in helping to hone their focus and overall lifestyle centered around fitness and being healthy human beings…

The chapter’s focus is primarily on learning to get through tough things in life, whether it’s a difficult workout or life challenge; like running a business or getting an advanced degree, you can and will learn something from pushing yourself physically and mentally in the gym.

Gym Updates:

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