Your Mindset vs. FEAR

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This was originally a LIVE broadcast on our YouTube channel.

Mindset Vs. FEAR

One of the biggest things that affects us and has the power to control us is FEAR. Without a thoughtful approach to how we handle fear and the things that happen to us because of it we can spiral down the rabbit hole and fall off the path – or not even be able to see the path in the first place. In this episode of the Warrior Mindset podcast we’ll go through 5 ways to help you control and combat fear like a warrior.

We’re all on lockdown (kinda) and doing the daily workouts, but there’s something else we can work on too. Our MINDSET. 

One of my long time mentors, Coach Mark Divine (The way of the SEAL and SealFIT) always says; that it all starts with your Mindset. Or how we think about the world around us and how we respond to it.

One of the biggest things that affects us and has the power to control us is FEAR. Without a thoughtful approach to how we handle fear and the things that happen to us because of it we can spiral down the rabbit hole and fall off the path – or not even be able to see the path in the first place.

I use the term WARRIOR a lot. I love that word. It means:

“A person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.”

“A person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.”

So, someone who has stared a fearful situation in the face and passed through the chaos. Like the famous Winston Churchill quote goes “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

Here are 5 ways to help you control and combat fear like a warrior:   

  1. Breathing: The way you breath controls your body and mind and can combat the fear response.
  2. Focus: If you don’t have a process for focusing, your mind will spin out of control. This is when we panic.
    • George St. Pierre – The “main thing”, is to keep the “main thing”, the “main thing”
    • Front Sight Focus
    • How to set goals. Set a goal, then reverse engineer it into 4-5 smaller to-do’s/goals.
  3. Visualization: This is a tool employed by elite warriors like Navy Seals and top-tier athletes in the NFL/NBA/etc… You must “Win in your mind” before you step foot on the battlefield.
    • How to visualize
    • What it is
    • First person shooter, 3rd person, NFL/NBA sideline view
    • This can also be meditation
  4. Mind: Proven mental techniques can quickly remove the negative fear-based chatter in your mind – radically reducing all forms of fear.
  5. Attitude: What is your attitude on a daily basis

We cannot let FEAR creep into our lives and control how we react to the world.

Tony Blauer – Blauer Tactical Systems, SPEAR System

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