Sherard ‘Shekeese’ Duvall – Media Literacy & Emotional Intelligence

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This was originally a LIVE broadcast on our YouTube channel.

Media Literacy & Emotional Intelligence

1. Ask yourself, WHERE did this come from? If the video, photo, or link was circulating on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or any public use media first, that is your first red flag. If reputable news media isn’t sharing it, only social media – it’s most likely some b.s.

2. Ask yourself, WHO is this information coming from? At OTRMG we call this “Who told you that?” Did you hear this first from a friend or cousin or auntie that often shares questionable information? Would you believe them if they told you in real life? Is it someone you don’t even know? If so, why trust them in the first place?

3. Ask yourself, WHO are the people behind the story? We call this “consider the source.” If it’s someone claiming to be an expert, where are their credentials? WHO also applied to who wrote or produced the story? Does the original link go back to the creator or author of the piece? If the content originates from a YouTube page called “Cal the Great” or “Demonuser 1234” – it’s most likely some b.s.

4. Context, context, context. Remember context clues in school? Well, there are context clues in video and photography also. Take this particular video, it is marketed as a trailer, but it’s 26 minutes long. Have you ever seen a 26 minute movie trailer anywhere? Context. Also, the entire interview is about HIV. Why would someone share this during Covid19? Context. Is the content trying to INFORM you or make you FEEL some type of way? If they are using language like “right-wing”, “liberal”, or any kind of language to trigger an emotion of fear, anger or vindication – that’s a classic manipulation red flag.

5. If all else fails, there are reputable fact checking website like Factual, snopes.com, FactCheck.org or isthiscredible.com – that is a great tool to verify online links.

Taken from these posts Shekeese made about Media Literacy:

https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/scientist-vaccine-jailed/Hey everyone. I’m going to join in with my brother Anton…

Posted by Sherard Shekeese Duvall on Thursday, May 7, 2020

Ive been struggling to find the best way to offer help and advice at a time like this. After some conversations with…

Posted by Sherard Shekeese Duvall on Monday, March 30, 2020

Emotional Intellegence:

  • Understand their own emotions. They are in touch with their vulnerability and can recognise emotions in themselves and others. That means they can identify negativity such as hurt, anxiety, shame, guilt, jealousy, envy, depression and fear. They are also aware of the positive emotions and feelings of joy and pleasure.
  • Know all the nuances in these emotions, so they catch them as they arise and hold off believing their mind’s interpretations.
  • Make better decisions, so they have stronger bonds, more love, more peace and better relationships with their loved ones (and everyone else).
  • Tune into the emotions of others and be empathic. They don’t take the behaviour of others personally; they’re good detectives and use logic and reason to read a situation.
  • Live more in the moment, so they don’t get caught up in their internal story and act out of fear. They’re very self-aware.

What do you have going on right now?

Book recommendation:
Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations

  • Let me know some details about what you have going on.
    • Just announced Saltwata Vibes Documentary project
    • OTRMG working with leaders and organizations around the state on media literacy tools/tips for social media / COVID19 Misinformation
  • Social media profile/links you’d like to share:
    • Personal: @ShekeeseSMD
    • Biz: @OTRMediaGrp
    • Film: @SaltwataVibes
  • Website Domain Name:
  • Anything to promote right now?
    • Saltwater Vibes Doc
    • OTRMG Social Media Media Literacy Campaign

The road to hell is paved with good intentions


Sherard ‘Shekeese’ Duvall

Sherard “Shekeese” Duvall is a film and messaging professional from Columbia, S.C. He specializes in visual storytelling, film education, media strategy, diversity consulting and is an advocate of Hip-Hop culture. He is an accomplished editor, director, and producer for commercial and documentary projects for VH1, Discovery Channel, ESPN, BET, The Mungo Companies, Justice 360, the American Cancer Society and many more. His unique skillset has been gained from a wide variety of directorial, managerial and technical skills in sales, marketing, strategic planning, market research, project development, project implementation, finance and operations.

Sherard stays active in the Columbia and South Carolina community. He is a 2016 Riley Fellow, a 2016 Leo Twiggs Arts Leadership Scholar, 2015 South Carolina 40 Under 40, a 2015 Dream Chaser award winner, and a 2014-2015 American Graduate Champion. He currently serves on the board for the RAM Foundation and The Columbia Design League as well as advisory committees for SCETV, The Jubilee Festival, North Columbia Business Association (NCBA),  Justice 360 and is one of the founders of Columbia’s Hip-Hop Family Day, Love Peace & Hip-Hop.

He is currently owner and executive producer at OTR Media Group, a 2001 University of South Carolina grad, a product of Richland District One schools, and the proud dad of his son, Cairo.

Above from https://otrmg.com/about/

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