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This is a series of episodes where we explore a deep dive into a book that has changed my life. We will go chapter by chapter and review the things that make it work so well with hope that you will find inspiration to help you with your own journey.

I am usually accompanied by long-time friend, fellow SEALFitter and badass, Heather Bauer Dughaish @bmbrbauer (https://www.voteheatherbauer.com/). Along with her husband we all co-own a gym; Workhorse Fitness together in Columbia, South Carolina.

<a href=httpsamznto3eJDmHB target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>The Way of the SEAL Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed<a>

The Way of the SEAL by Mark Divine

Chapter 6: Break Things

Often, as Mark learned, you need to move fast and break things before you truly know how to slow down and do it ‘the right way’. This breaks down into the idea that you need to get over the need to look perfect before you put yourself out into the world with your new idea.

Section titles such as these:
Applying total commitment
Failing forward fast
Navigating gaps for opportunity
Innovating and adapting quickly

Nothing is every going to be perfect. You need to act and just let what is, be what is. This doesn’t mean you don’t plan. You do plan, you just don’t over plan or keep planning until it feels perfect to you.

The moment you ay “I know everything” is the end of your growth.

Sharon Lee

Mark has been doing something on his youtube channel called “the daily brief”. I find them super helpful to get me in the mindset I need to be each day he drops one. Some serious knowledge bombs on these. He recently did one on “Looking inward” the core idea is that you are what you think/believe. So focus on positive things, build excellence habits and get after it daily.

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