Passion, Purpose and Principles

Reviewing a concept from Coach Mark Divine on figuring out what you stand for based on your “Passion, Purpose and Principles.”

This week joined by co-host: Aaron “Grizz” Griswold.

Reviewing a concept from Coach Mark Divine on figuring out what you stand for based on your “Passion, Purpose and Principles.”

MarkDivine – What do you stand for?


“Destiny favors the prepared in mind, body, and spirit.” 

Coach Mark Divine

Here are some tips to help you figure out what you stand for — your Passion, Purpose and Principles:

  1. Sit with a journal. Answer questions based on “What would I do if…” such as What would I do if I had one year to live? …if I won the lottery? …if my team was bashing a teammate behind in back in my presence?
  2. Define your values. What do you want more of – or less of – in your life? Clarifying them helps you stand your ground every day.
  3. Discover your Passion. Your passion asks yourself “Who am I at my deepest level?” Clarifying what you’re passionate about allows you to put more energy towards it.

Armed with your self-awareness from other exercises, contemplate all the life paths that look, feel, or sound as if they’re in line with your passion, values, and stand. Write a few sentences or paragraphs defining your purpose in life. Refine it as new insights roll in. I check in with my purpose daily.

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