Media Literacy is Self Defense

Talking with Sherard “Shekeese” Duvall about some things going on media (social media) wise lately and why learning what media literacy is and why is it so important to get a handle on it for your own self defense.

What are some things that you’ve seen on social media that you at first believed but later found out was untrue or at the very least had an agenda behind it. Media literacy is very important to your personal “mental” safety and well being.

I always enjoy my time with Sherard whether it’s just a discussion over coffee or a podcast like this one. I’m glad we recorded our conversation today – I hope you learn as much as I did with it.

Sherard “Shekeese” Duvall

Sherard “Shekeese” Duvall is a film and messaging professional from Columbia, S.C. He specializes in visual storytelling, film education, media diversity strategy, and is an advocate of Hip-Hop culture. An accomplished producer of commercial and documentary projects for VH1, Oxygen, and more – he is a 2022 SC Arts Commission Fellow, 2021 Liberty Fellow, a 2016 Riley Fellow, and one of the founders of Columbia’s Hip-Hop Family Day: Love Peace & Hip-Hop. A 2001 University of South Carolina graduate, he is a product of Richland District One schools. Sherard is the Founder and Executive Producer at OTR Media Group, and the proud dad of his son, Cairo. He is currently producing the feature length Gullah Geechee Afrofuturism Documentary: Saltwata Vibes

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