Matt Hux – Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

Discussing how you cultivate a Growth Mindset and combat mediocrity in your life. Dr. Matt is one of the most positive minded people I’ve met and I always learn new ways of looking at life from him.

Dr. Matt Hux

Lead Doctor at MaxLiving West Columbia.

Chiropractor. Health Consultant. Speaker. Developer. Storyteller.

He has lived in 5 states and 2 countries. He has been married to his wife, Mel for 10 years and they have 3 children and a fourth on the way! He enjoys good coffee, eating keto, traveling, and spending time with family. His mission in Columbia is to prevent unnecessary suffering and help others reach their God-given potential. He is fueled by his wife’s journey with chronic illness and hopes to point others towards healing and a maximized life.

Links from the show

Max Living – https://westcolumbiachiropractor.com/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/people/Matt-Hux/100009884858279

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/drmatthux/

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