Reviewing some of the things that caught my eye over the past week or so on Instagram & the internet.

The Five Mountains of Personal Development, how Anxiety thrives in the uncertain, being the most coachable you can be, positive self-talk to push you across the goal line, warning signs your ego may be out of check and Jillian Micheals on why she doesn’t like CrossFit.

5 Mountains of Personal Development

Mark Divine – “A closed mind will never be an exceptional mind”

“Anxiety thrives in the absence of clarity” –

Being Coachable

“As a boxer you should not desire the attention of the coach, instead, aim to become as coachable as you can.” –

Champions get things done!

“We aren’t what we say we’ll do, we are what we do.”

Positive self-talk

Why you aren’t getting better/excelling

EGO – what to watch out for

WIRED Article – “Television Like The Boys Is Destroying You”


Jillian Micheals on CrossFit

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