Dan Jackson – Coaching and Leading

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This was originally a LIVE broadcast on our YouTube channel.

Topics Covered in this Episode of WM:

  1. Building good habits. Principles and routines. “How do you build good habits”
  2. Accountability – how do you self-manage, who coaches you, how do you find a coach or a good accountability partner?
  3. How high performers/athletes train their mind for their sport/art
  4. Training alone vs. with a partner vs. in a class.
  5. Grit. What is it to you and how do you develop it.
  6. Developing Mental Toughness.
  7. Obstacles or Opportunities.

‘Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical’

Yogi Berra

Books Mentioned:

Video for Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Dartmouth)

Dan Jackson

Instagram danejack61612

Masters in Coach Education and Athletic Development


NPGL @miamisurge – Former Assistant Coach

@atlanticgridleague Co-Founder

CSCS www.atlanticgridleague.com

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