Going AWOL

Aaron and I go through what it means to go AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) in the military, on your job, on your friends and in your personal life – and the costs associated with doing so.

This week joined by my ever awesome co-host Aaron “Grizz” Griswold.

Going AWOL

Aaron and I go through what it means to go AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) in the military, on your job, on your friends and in your personal life – and the costs associated with doing so.


  1. absent without official leave but without intent to desert.”we not only dealt with the enemy but with servicemen who had gone AWOL
    • absent from where one should be; missing.”if, having been treated in this way, students go AWOL, no one should be surprised”

What type of mindset sets you apart from the people that go AWOL in life? (literal and figuratively).

Google search for “Going AWOL

Articles about:
Trainee runs off from Fort Jackson, demands transport to another town | Base general says rifle wasn’t loaded


Serial Podcast Season Two episode on Rowe Bergdahl

https://serialpodcast.org/season-two – In the middle of the night, Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl grabs a notebook, snacks, water, some cash. Then he quietly slips off a remote U.S. Army outpost in eastern Afghanistan and into the dark, open desert. About 20 minutes later, it occurs to him: he’s in over his head.

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