Aaron and I talk through this wonderful post from Gregory Admunson (the OG Fire-breather) that are labeled as “A road less traveled.” These are the things that easy in concept but very difficult to liv

Aaron and I talk through this wonderful post from Gregory Admunson & Coach Divine (the OG Firebreather) that are labeled as “A road less traveled.” These are the things that easy in concept but very difficult to live.

Gregory Admunson IG Post (w/Coach Divine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFVUBNAqmK/ 

  • Self mastery in service of others is the key to happiness, purpose, and fulfillment.
  • The cause of the effects in your life are your thoughts.
  • Choose the hard right over the easy wrong.
  • The short term pain of discipline always feels better than the long term pain of regret.
  • Spending time alone with God is the most important part of your day.
  • Be decisive, yet do so with the utmost tenderness.
  • Cultivate skillfulness in both action and non-action; in movement and stillness.
  • Be quick to listen, restrained in speech, and slow to anger.
  • Positive thoughts lead to positive words, which produce after their kind, resulting in positive experiences within every area of your life.

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