Going over Mark Manson’s “3 Ideas That Can Change Your Life” PDF with Co-Host Heather Bauer. This is a good one.

“3 Ideas That Can Change” Your Life Review

by Mark Manson

Check the full PDF out on GoodReads here you can also get it by getting his Email Newsletter here

All changes are based in ideas. Ideas give us new perspectives and from those new perspectives we’re able to change our behaviors.

In this small report, I’ve put together three ideas that have influenced my life and which I believe can influence yours.

Idea #1: The Two Minds
Idea #2: How to 80/20 Your Life
Idea #3: Believe Not What’s True, But What’s Helpful

I didn’t come up with these ideas myself. If you look around hard enough, you’ll see them pop up in all sorts of places, from business, to NLP, to generic Self Help, to various forms of therapy.

This is just my take on them and some of the ways I’ve applied them. I hope you get something out of them.

Mark Manson

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